Flat Mops

  • Highest absorption capacity of any material tested
  • Chlorine and dye stability
  • Minimal shrinkage
  • Documented third party laboratory testing supporting the “Trap & Remove” performance standard and in-service validation for longevity.
  • Patented built-in Antimicrobial Product Protection.

(FM315AM) A unique material developed as the “working surface” for a variety of high performance Flat Mops. The FM315AM resulted from extensive prototyping and testing to ensure maximum performance while reducing drag on environmental surfaces. The FM315AM material offers the highest concentration of micro-denier fiber of any product available (refer to MATERIALS and SCIENCE ). The FM series of PerfectClean flat mops offered by UMF Corporation also has the advantage of a proprietary Hook & Loop backing material trademarked under the Perma-Loop™ brand. The FM315AM material is compatible with any commercial process, is chlorine stable and withstands temperatures up to 210° F thus ensuring a clinically acceptable process for health care. Color coding is also available. This patented material has the exclusive “built in antimicrobial product protection” (patent # US6,258,455; Canada # 2,366,399; EU # 1185417; plus others) and is converted into a wide range of high performance PerfectClean Flat Mops designed for damp and dust mopping for every application. Color coding is available.